If the script is just text inside a Word doc for example, then there is no issue. Or if you Zip the files and then add the Zip to the Course files and share it, the users could download the Zip package and unzip it on their device to obtain the files inside.
However, the .txt and .R format cannot be uploaded as this is not a supported file type for uploads, so it would need to be added to a zip file and then upload the zip to the LMS.
Or you could add it to your Gdrive, dropbox, etc., and add the public URL to a unit for the users to be able to download the file from there.
Below are the file size and types that are accepted in the TalentLMS.
File type/format | Maximum size (MB) |
ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf, epub | 200 |
sql | 200 |
gif, jpg, jpeg, png | 10 |
mp4, webm, ogg, ogv, avi, mpeg. mpg, mov, wmv, 3gp, flv | 600 |
mp3, aac, ogg, wav, mpeg, webm, wave, wav, wma, ra, aif, aiff | 600 |
SCORM, xAPI, zip |
600 |
swf |
600 |