If you encountered any issue during accessing the portal or content, please inform us as soon as possible and provide us with the information on how you stumbled into it.
- What type of device did you use when encountering the issue?
Device type Information needed Mobile app a. Android/iOS:
b. Android/iOS version:
c. TalentLMS app version:
Browser a. Type of browser:
b. Browser version:
c. Is it a mobile browser or web browser?
- How exactly did they proceed to open and take the content? Are they closed the app/browser at any point?
- Had they downloaded the content perhaps before starting?
- Were they connected with WiFi/mobile data while accessing the portal/content? Is the signal strength was adequate the whole time?
If we are unable to replicate this issue, we need to escalate it to the TalentLMS Team for them to investigate further. It may require them to go into your portal.