This is a guide on how to add the custom fields for the course and user.
1. Log into your portal as Administrator. Go to ‘Account & Settings'.
2. Basic settings tab, scroll down to the ‘Custom Fields’.
3. Click on which custom fields you want to add. If you want add new custom field for course, click on ‘Custom course fields’ or if you want to add new custom field for user, click on ‘Custom user fields’.
4. Type the distinct name for your custom fields.
5. Choose the type of the custom field from the dropdown list whether you want it to be text/dropdown/checkbox/date.
Text: Users are prompted to type the details
Dropdown: Users are prompted to choose items from a dropdown menu. To choose the items, type each one and hit the Enter key to add it as a tag and separate it from the next time. Alternatively, you can click on the Edit icon to add all items, separated by a semicolon (;)
Checkbox: Users are prompted to check or uncheck a box
Date: Users are prompted to pick a date from the calendar
6. You can choose to make your custom field Mandatory and Visible on reports.
7. Click Add field to save your changes